
class gaitmap_datasets.StairAmbulationHealthy2021Full(data_folder: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, *, memory: Memory = Memory(location=None), include_pressure_data: bool = False, include_hip_sensor: bool = False, include_baro_data: bool = False, ignore_manual_session_markers: bool = False, groupby_cols: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, subset_index: Optional[DataFrame] = None)[source]#

Dataclass representing the full sessions of Stair Ambulation dataset not split into individual tests.

Compared to the PerTest dataset, this dataset does not have a separate test for each participant, but the data attribute will return the entire recording. Note, that the entire recording is still split into two parts. These are represented in the index of the dataset.

Within each part of the recording, a number of tests were performed. You can extract the test list using self.test_list. Note, that between the tests participants were instructed to jump up and down three times to mark the start and end of each test.


The path to the data folder.


The joblib memory object to cache the data loading.


Some datasets had some issues either at the start or end of the recording. Therefore, we decided to cut these regions by default. Anyway, this will only affect the recordings of three participants. If you want to keep these regions, set this to False.


Whether to load the raw pressure data recorded by the insole sensors. This will increase the load time and RAM requirements. Usually this is not needed unless you want to calculate your own gait events based on the pressure data. The precalculated gait events will still be available independent of this setting.


Whether to load the raw data recorded by the hip sensor.


Whether to load the raw data recorded by the barometer.


Get the barometer data of the dataset.


Get the IMU data of the dataset.


Get the current group.


Return the index with the groupby columns set as multiindex.


Get all groups based on the set groupby level.


Get index.


Get the metadata for a participant.


Get the pressure data of the dataset.


Get the event list based on the pressure insole (and the IMU).


Get the sampling rate of the IMUs.


Get the manual stride borders of the dataset.


Get the shape of the dataset.


Get the list of all tests contained in the recording.



Return a version of the Dataset class that can be subclassed using attrs defined classes.


Return a version of the Dataset class that can be subclassed using dataclasses.

assert_is_single(groupby_cols, property_name)

Raise error if index does contain more than one group/row with the given groupby settings.


Raise error if index does contain more than one group/row.


Create a new instance of the class with all parameters copied over.


Generate a list of labels for each group/row in the dataset.


Create the full index for the dataset.


Get parameters for this algorithm.


Get the manual stride borders of the dataset filtered by stride type.

get_subset(*[, groups, index, bool_map])

Get a subset of the dataset.


Return a copy of the dataset grouped by the specified columns.


Return True if index contains only one row/group with the given groupby settings.


Return True if index contains only one group.


Return generator object containing a subset for every category from the selected level.


Set the parameters of this Algorithm.

static as_attrs()[source]#

Return a version of the Dataset class that can be subclassed using attrs defined classes.

Note, this requires attrs to be installed!

static as_dataclass()[source]#

Return a version of the Dataset class that can be subclassed using dataclasses.

assert_is_single(groupby_cols: Optional[Union[List[str], str]], property_name) None[source]#

Raise error if index does contain more than one group/row with the given groupby settings.

This should be used when implementing access to data values, which can only be accessed when only a single trail/participant/etc. exist in the dataset.


None (no grouping) or a valid subset of the columns available in the dataset index.


Name of the property this check is used in. Used to format the error message.

assert_is_single_group(property_name) None[source]#

Raise error if index does contain more than one group/row.

Note that this is different from assert_is_single as it is aware of the current grouping. Instead of checking that a certain combination of columns is left in the dataset, it checks that only a single group exists with the already selected grouping as defined by self.groupby_cols.


Name of the property this check is used in. Used to format the error message.

property baro_data: DataFrame#

Get the barometer data of the dataset.

clone() Self[source]#

Create a new instance of the class with all parameters copied over.

This will create a new instance of the class itself and all nested objects

create_group_labels(label_cols: Union[str, List[str]]) List[str][source]#

Generate a list of labels for each group/row in the dataset.


This has a different use case than the dataset-wide groupby. Using groupby reduces the effective size of the dataset to the number of groups. This method produces a group label for each group/row that is already in the dataset, without changing the dataset.

The output of this method can be used in combination with GroupKFold as the group label.


The columns that should be included in the label. If the dataset is already grouped, this must be a subset of self.groupby_cols.

create_index() DataFrame[source]#

Create the full index for the dataset.

This needs to be implemented by the subclass.


Make absolutely sure that the dataframe you return is deterministic and does not change between runs! This can lead to some nasty bugs! We try to catch them internally, but it is not always possible. As tips, avoid reliance on random numbers and make sure that the order is not depend on things like file system order, when creating an index by scanning a directory. Particularly nasty are cases when using non-sorted container like set, that sometimes maintain their order, but sometimes don’t. At the very least, we recommend to sort the final dataframe you return in create_index.

property data: DataFrame#

Get the IMU data of the dataset.

get_params(deep: bool = True) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Get parameters for this algorithm.


Only relevant if object contains nested algorithm objects. If this is the case and deep is True, the params of these nested objects are included in the output using a prefix like nested_object_name__ (Note the two “_” at the end)


Parameter names mapped to their values.

get_segmented_stride_list_with_type(stride_type: Optional[List[Literal['level', 'ascending', 'descending', 'slope_ascending', 'slope_descending']]] = None, return_z_level: bool = True) Dict[Literal['left_sensor', 'right_sensor'], DataFrame][source]#

Get the manual stride borders of the dataset filtered by stride type.

stride_typeList[Literal[“level”, “ascending”, “descending”]], optional

A list of stride types to be included in the output. If None all strides are included.


If True, the z-level (i.e. the height change of the stride based on the stair geometry) and the stride type are included as additional columns in the output.

get_subset(*, groups: Optional[List[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]] = None, index: Optional[DataFrame] = None, bool_map: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None, **kwargs: Union[List[str], str]) Self[source]#

Get a subset of the dataset.


All arguments are mutable exclusive!


A valid row locator or slice that can be passed to self.grouped_index.loc[locator, :]. This basically needs to be a subset of self.groups. Note that this is the only indexer that works on the grouped index. All other indexers work on the pure index.


pd.DataFrame that is a valid subset of the current dataset index.


bool-map that is used to index the current index-dataframe. The list must be of same length as the number of rows in the index.


The key must be the name of an index column. The value is a list containing strings that correspond to the categories that should be kept. For examples see above.


New dataset object filtered by specified parameters.

property group: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]#

Get the current group.

Note, this attribute can only be used, if there is just a single group. If there is only a single groupby column or column in the index, this will return a string. Otherwise, this will return a named tuple.

groupby(groupby_cols: Optional[Union[List[str], str]]) Self[source]#

Return a copy of the dataset grouped by the specified columns.

Each unique group represents a single data point in the resulting dataset.


None (no grouping) or a valid subset of the columns available in the dataset index.

property grouped_index: DataFrame#

Return the index with the groupby columns set as multiindex.

property groups: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]#

Get all groups based on the set groupby level.

This will either return a list of strings/integers, if there is only a single group level or index column. If there are multiple groupy levels/index columns, it will return a list of named tuples.

Note, that if one of the groupby levels/index columns is not a valid Python attribute name (e.g. in contains spaces or starts with a number), the named tuple will not contain the correct column name! For more information see the documentation of the rename parameter of collections.namedtuple.

property index: DataFrame#

Get index.

is_single(groupby_cols: Optional[Union[List[str], str]]) bool[source]#

Return True if index contains only one row/group with the given groupby settings.

If groupby_cols=None this checks if there is only a single row left. If you want to check if there is only a single group within the current grouping, use is_single_group instead.


None (no grouping) or a valid subset of the columns available in the dataset index.

is_single_group() bool[source]#

Return True if index contains only one group.

iter_level(level: str) Iterator[Self][source]#

Return generator object containing a subset for every category from the selected level.


Optional str that sets the level which shall be used for iterating. This must be one of the columns names of the index.


New dataset object containing only one category in the specified level.

property metadata: Dict[str, Any]#

Get the metadata for a participant.

property pressure_data: DataFrame#

Get the pressure data of the dataset.

property pressure_insole_event_list_: Dict[Literal['left_sensor', 'right_sensor'], DataFrame]#

Get the event list based on the pressure insole (and the IMU).

This returns all events from the pressure-insoles as a min-vel event list. This means that each stride starts and ends in a midstance. This midstance (min_vel) was detected based on the gyro energy and not the pressure insole. The pressure insole was used to find the IC and TC in each stride.

If a stride has a pre_ic of NaN, it indicates that this is the first strid eof a gait sequence, i.e. there is no other stride directly before this one.

The s_id of these strides are consistent with the segmented_stride_list_. The s_id is derived based on which min_vel - stride contains the start event of the segmented stride.

property sampling_rate_hz: float#

Get the sampling rate of the IMUs.

property segmented_stride_list_: Dict[Literal['left_sensor', 'right_sensor'], DataFrame]#

Get the manual stride borders of the dataset.

This is equivalent to calling get_segmented_stride_list_with_type(None, return_z_level=False). If you need more control, use get_segmented_stride_list_with_type directly.

set_params(**params: Any) Self[source]#

Set the parameters of this Algorithm.

To set parameters of nested objects use nested_object_name__para_name=.

property shape: Tuple[int]#

Get the shape of the dataset.

This only reports a single dimension. This is equal to the number of rows in the index, if self.groupby_cols=None. Otherwise, it is equal to the number of unique groups.

property test_list: DataFrame#

Get the list of all tests contained in the recording.